MA-08 Byg Zam


Model number: MA-08 Big Zam



MSiA Note: Figure comes with Core Booster(asian Release only.)

First deployment: 24 December UC 0079
Accomodation: one commander and two pilots/gunners, in standard cockpit in torso
Dimensions: overall height 59.6 meters
Weight: empty 1021.2 metric tons; max gross 1936.0 metric tons
Powerplant: 4 x Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 35000 kW each
Equipment and design features: sensors, range 134000 meters
Fixed armaments: 1 x large mega particle gun, mounted in main body; 28 x anti-aircraft mega particle gun, mounted in main body; 6 x air-to-air missile, mounted as claws on feet; 2 x 105 mm vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted in main body; 2 x I-field barrier generator, provides 360 degrees of protection against all beam weapons fire, mounted in main body

Now That You've seen the stats go read the MSiA Review!

Byg Zam Review

Force Affiliation emblems created by Mark Simmons