

Tune in here for page updates.

04/13/03:  Update!  I've updated links that correspond with latest reviews from Scrap_Heap's MSiA Gallery SIteI also have a massive update underway so please stay tuned and enjoy!

04/01/03:  Update!  I've updated links that correspond with latest reviews from Scrap_Heap's MSiA Gallery SIte. Including one review submitted by me found here so Please enjoy!

03/22/03:  Update!  After finally getting my Banpresto Zaku IIF2, I have finally added the ZakuII F2 stats in the Gundam 0083 section.  Look forward for my first Review on Scrap_Heap's MSiA Gallery SIte. Please enjoy!

03/17/03:  Update!  I have updated 7 review links from Scrap_Heap's Gallery site to their respective Units.  More updates on the way!

02/20/03:  Update! Just added  JDG-00X Devil Gundam final mode to the G- Gundam Fighter page and RX-178 Mk.II Gundam(Titans colors) to the Zeta Page.  I've also updated review links from Scrap_Heap's Gallery site to their respective Units.  More updates on the way!

02/13/03:  Update! Just added the long awaited YMS-16M Xamel to the 0083 Stardust memories page.  Stay tuned for further updates!

02/06/03:  Update! Just wanted to test a change in the Navigation Bar.  I've also added two new suit types to the listings:
and 08th Mobile Suit Team's MS-06J Zaku II (not to be confused from the MS-06J already listed in the MSG Mobile Suit Variation Section)

1/27/03: Happy Belated Birthday to Scrap_Heap's site!  I've updated a couple of pages to link certain Moble suits and vehicles with their respective reviews.  I'm also working on adding a few more visuals so please be patient and keep checking in!

1/17/03: BIG UPDATE!  20 units added to the site including: Johnny Ridden's ZakuII, Gelgoog Cannon, Zaku Tank, Zaku Cannon, Acguy, Zock, Bigro, Zakrello, Gouf Custom, Do Dai YS II, Zeta Gundam, Gundam MK.II, Jegan, Base Jabber, ReGZ, Shining Gundam, Master Gundam, Maxter Gundam, John Bull Gundam, and Fuunsaiki.  look on and enjoy!

1/11/03:  UPDATE:  This site has been given a new facelift!  Click on the series title found on the toolbar and find the mobile suits within each series.  For those of you new to the site, welome to Leadbelly's MSiAs stats!  I hope you enjoy this site and our sister site, Scrap_Heap's MSiA Gundam Gallery.  They will be undergoing a huge update as well!

Still Undergoing Construction